Character Animator Animation Course coming November 23

Exciting news! This upcoming Friday (AKA Black Friday) we’re launching a brand new course: Character Animator Animation Adobe’s Character Animator is a new player in the animation game, but it’s already made waves in the industry. It lets you record …

Animator’s Block

Writers get a bad rap for being the only creative professionals to have their own unique illness. I’m referring to the “writer’s block”. Let me clarify something real quick: There’s no such thing as writer’s block. Writing is just like any other art …

Recovering from a Hack

Last week we have recovered from a website hack that lasted for 6 days. Before I get into the details I want to make it clear – the hack is completely gone and the website is perfectly ok. Our platform …

You Are Not Your Work

People, artists especially, associate themselves with their creation. It’s very common to feel that if people don’t like their work, it means they are bad artists, or even bad human beings. That is a very unhealthy way of approaching your work, …