Having your own website to show off your work is extremely important. One of the easiest ways to set up a portfolio website is using Wordpress. For this article we dug up a few gems from the ocean of themes out there and brought you the list of the best Wordpress portfolio themes.
A note: The screenshots can’t capture the entire theme, so I would recommend checking a theme you like in Live Preview mode by clicking the ‘Get the theme’ button.
How to Install a Theme
Best Wordpress Portfolio Themes:
Retro Portfolio
One of my favorites. As its name indicates, it’s a retro style portfolio theme that tries its best to create a vintage feeling web site. Very stylized and highly recommended.
Get the themeJarvis
A bold theme with parallax effect, bright colors and great shortcodes. A bit heavy and takes time to load but visually impressive.
Another full length theme with great parallax and awesome shortcodes, a bit more colorful than Jarvis.
An iOS 7 inspired theme. Has some cool animation features and striking design. best to see it in real-time to appreciate.
Get the themeImpressivCard
This is a cool one. Switching between tabs is illustrated with cute animated transitions. It’s colorful and well designed, and is perfected for showing off not only your demo reel but also your résumé.
Get the theme
Another cool and gimmicky theme. It starts off as a closed magazine, and when you press the “open” button it unfolds with some slick animation. Inside it presents all the information in a neat and easy to read fashion. Great for minimalists.
King Size
The home page is a huge photo, but it can also be a video that starts playing immediately. There’s no scrolling on the home page so the viewer is instantly immersed in the content. The tabs are neatly placed on the side allowing for great visual first impression. Not for the modest ones!
Get the themeSalient
Not exclusively a portfolio theme but I had to include Salient since it’s one of my favorites. It’s multipurpose, has amazing shortcodes, a ton of features (including parallax scrolling and background video capabilities) and is just visually stunning.
Get the themeBigbang
Flat and retro looking, I like Bigbang for its simple design and presentation. Showcases your portfolio items neatly and clearly. For the traditional and simplistic artists.
Get the themeYin & Yang
A stylish and dainty theme. Good for photographers, but some animators might find it to their taste. Has a fashion magazine feel to it yet is keeps things minimal.
Get the themeKonzept
A full width masonry style theme that displays your portfolio items instantly all over the home page, immersing the viewer in your work, distractions free.
Get the themeA minimalist theme that’s meant for blogging more than showing off work, but I liked the simple design and photo displaying style it has, and I think an artist could find creative ways to show off their work with it.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission on a purchase without additional cost to you. I do believe in the products mentioned in the article and have experience with them. If you do purchase through my affiliate link, thank you so much for your support!
Making an Animated Short (FREE ebook)
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