TVPaint Animation Course is Now Available

Today we have released our TVPaint Animation course, one of the most in depth TVPaint courses out there. 36 HD videos lessons, with over 4 hours of content, and you can get it right now and start learning right away. …

TVPaint Animation course is launching on April 25

As we’re finalizing the lessons for our brand new course TVPaint Animation, I wanted to officially announce its release date. The course will come out on April 25. This is a big one. This course is packed with so much information, covering …

TVPaint Animation Course – Coming Soon

Ready for some exciting news? After many MANY requests, I’m happy to officially announce that our brand new course TVPaint Animation, is currently in the making and will come out in April (final date will be announced soon). In the …

2016: A Year in Review

Every year I like to take a few moments to write up some thoughts on the passing year, reflect on successes and failures, and write some of my plans for the future. So how was 2016? Last year I wrote …

Our Black Friday Deals

Before I start this post, I just want to clarify, if case you’re new here, that we don’t in fact have any special deals and discounts for our products. Ever. But because Black Friday is upon us, I’d like to take …